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We are Excited to Announce Our New Brand Identity! |   03 Mar, 2020

We Are Excited to Announce Our New Brand Identity

We are delighted to announce our new brand identity as part of the ongoing evolution of our brand. Our business has grown, our technology has evolved, we are digging into new areas and have launched new products, and so we thought that it’s time for a change. We have refreshed our website to reflect who we are today and to symbolize our future.

Our new brand identity resonates with our focus on AI-powered in-video contextual advertising. The new brand identity perfectly aligns our company with our successful foray into offering cutting edge AI-powered solutions that are redefining limits of in-video contextual targeting.

Embrace the New Change: New Brand Colors for Silverpush

With blue and green colors in our new website, we have centered our new identity around AI and technology, keeping it modern and focused on trust. The yellow color imbibes the fresh and playful characteristics of the brand – offering flexibility for future innovation. These branding elements have also translated into a new brands, which projects motion and pace.

We started our journey in 2012 as the first Demand Side Platform in India. Since then, we have brought many innovative products to the market, including the first of its kind Cross Device Ad Targeting solution launched in 2014, and the Real-time Moment Marketing Platform, Parallels, in 2018.

We launched Mirrors, the first computer-vision-powered in-video contextual advertising platform, in 2019. Mirrors is able to effectively identify key contexts like celebrities, objects, activities, emotions, scenes in a streaming video for placement of context relevant ads. Through Mirrors, we have helped some of the largest brands in world in achieving unprecedented reach and user engagement.

Our new brand identity helps us in effectively bringing into light our three inherent characteristics – creator, explorer and jester.

As a creator, we love to focus on innovation and quality. We always want to contribute to society by bringing something new into being, i.e. by realizing a vision. We draw deep satisfaction from our efforts of creating something new that did not previously exist but has the potential to revolutionize the industry. Our in-video contextual advertising platform based on artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision is a product of our creator mind and is ushering a new era in ad tech industry.

Our explorer characteristic is exhibited in our desire and efforts to do groundbreaking and pioneering work. We want to have an explorer’s attitude towards the work we do and the way we do it. We don’t want to take the conventional, pre-defined path, but want to pave our own path and discover our own way of doing things, so that we can bring ingenious products in the market. We want to be free from constraints, feel the freedom to explore the technology in our own way, and enjoy our discoveries and innovations. Our explorer trait makes us utilize our capacities to the fullest, thereby allowing us to push the boundaries.

Our fun-loving, light-hearted and playful approach is a reflection of our jester trait. We think outside the box to develop innovative products that make people feel good. We combine fun with creativity and intelligence to offer ingenious solutions to ad tech industry. Being quick-witted, highly adaptable and resourceful, we reframe concepts, present new perspectives and stir up changes. Our jester trait helps us to easily navigate through difficult times and emerge as a real winner.

With this new company branding, we have now moved beyond our legacy. We have always been a first mover in problems we have solved before, be it disrupting cross device tracking or effective push notifications. We are now completely focused on transforming how advertisers reach their customers contextually with our unique offerings, and our new brand identity reflects this. Our tryst with AI and emerging technologies will continue and we will be launching new line of innovative products for the advertising industry in the future.

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