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Grab Consumer Attention With Contextual Advertsing During March Madness

PUBLISH DATE: 14 February 2024
Grab Consumer Attention during March Madness

In the dynamic landscape of modern advertising, strategic brand placement is essential for capturing the attention of vast audiences. One such golden opportunity lies within the fervor and excitement of March Madness, a premier collegiate basketball tournament that captivates the attention of millions of Americans each year.

According to reports, the advertising landscape during March Madness is marked by substantial investments, with spot prices ranging from hundreds of thousands of dollars in the early stages to over $2 million for the NCAA Championship. The statistics speak volumes about the unique advertising environment presented by March Madness.

Did you know that 41% of March Madness viewers checked ad-addressable websites, most visiting new sites (Source: kortx.io).

An Overview of the March Madness Audience

In 2023 14.69 Million viewers tuned in and March Madness emerged as a prime platform for advertisers seeking to make a significant impact.

  • March Madness programming captures the attention of 65% of households, with an average viewing time of 9.25 hours per household throughout the tournament.
  • Ads during March Madness reach 245% more households per commercial compared to ads in other programming. (Source: effectv)
  • Streaming viewership on networks airing March Madness increased by 86% during the tournament compared to the preceding period.
  • 66% of these fans have agreed they take action after seeing a brand’s sponsorship as they are watching their favorite team play. (Source: adweek)

Targeting an Enviable Audience: WalletHub reports that approximately 73% of March Madness viewers also tune in to local news, with almost half boasting a household income exceeding $100,000, and 51% falling within the 25 to 54 age range.

Maximizing Exposure: The tournament, spanning from Selection Sunday to the championship game, offers advertisers the opportunity to achieve high frequency and exposure, reaching a distinctive audience over a three-week period.

Elevate Creativity: Given the grand stage, generic creativity won’t suffice. Industry leaders have emphasized the importance of standing out, especially with such a discerning audience, for optimal advertising impact.


Elevate Your Video Game with Dynamic Video Ads During March Madness!

March Madness stands out as a premier sporting spectacle each year, drawing an ever-growing viewership as the tournament unfolds. Whether you missed a game, sought exclusive interviews, or craved expert predictions, the go-to platform for all things March Madness is YouTube.

In the previous year, the final four rounds of the tournament amassed a staggering 3 million hours of viewership on YouTube. However, it’s not just tournament content that attracts viewers; a Google survey revealed that March Madness fans exhibit a staggering 16x higher likelihood of watching sports news-related videos compared to the average YouTube user.

Delving deeper into the viewership patterns, advertisers and marketers are recognizing the unique opportunities presented by March Madness enthusiasts. A recent study discovered that these fans are 10 times more likely to engage with videos centered around athletic shoes, making them a highly lucrative audience for sports brands.

Beyond the tournament highlights and post-game interviews, March Madness fans exhibit a penchant for diverse sports content on YouTube. The same study highlighted that these fans are 13 times more likely to consume videos related to sports coaching and training compared to the average YouTube viewer. This presents a valuable opportunity for brands aiming to contextually target athletes or sports aficionados.

Contextual targeting, hinging on intent-based targeting, allows advertisers to align their content with users’ specific interests, elevating the probability of a positive response. According to recent findings, consumers targeted at the contextual level are 83% more likely to recommend the advertised product or service compared to those targeted at the audience or channel level. This underscores the importance of reaching consumers in the right mindset at the opportune moment, enhancing ad resonance and subsequently boosting purchase intent.

Source: thinkwithgoogle

How Silverpush’s Advanced Contextual Solution Can Help Brands?

Silverpush-advanced- contextual-solution-to-help-advertisers-reach-March-Madness-fan

Silverpush is at the forefront of guiding brands through the landscape of contextual advertising with its cutting-edge AI technology, “Mirrors“. This revolutionary platform is reshaping YouTube advertising by seamlessly integrating AI capabilities with human expertise, creating a foundation for ethical, fair, and transparent ad placements.

Intelligent Contextual Targeting

Mirrors employs advanced AI technology, particularly the Context Detection model, to identify key contextual elements within videos. This includes faces, logos, objects, actions, text, and audio. This thorough analysis ensures a nuanced understanding of the content context.

Additionally, Mirrors utilizes a Language Detection model, enabling it to comprehend slang, dialects, and cultural nuances. This linguistic proficiency enhances accurate context analysis, providing advertisers with a deeper understanding of the content they associate their brands with.

Intelligent contextual targeting for March Madness

Brand Safety & Suitability

Mirrors place a strong emphasis on brand safety and suitability. It utilizes custom Inclusion & Exclusion themes to further enhance the suitability of ad placements.

Covering all 12 GARM (Global Alliance for Responsible Media) categories, Mirrors classifies content into three risk levels: Low, Medium, and High. This comprehensive approach ensures smart optimization by avoiding over-blocking through intelligent risk balancing and advanced filtering mechanisms.

Human Augmented Filter

Mirrors combine AI efficiency with human oversight through a meticulous Human Augmented Filter. This dual-layered approach helps in full-proofing AI-extracted contexts, ensuring that ads align with the latest best practices.

The human element in the filtering process allows advertisers to stay current with industry trends, regulations, and ethical considerations. It acts as an additional layer of assurance, providing a dynamic and responsive framework for contextual advertising.

 This March Madness Capture More Attention for Your Brand

Download Infographic


In the realm of sports events, every match is an opportunity to plant the seeds of brand recognition. Silverpush provides the tools to maximize this opportunity, offering advertisers the chance to sow the seeds of higher ROI and reap the fruits later.

Get in touch with our team today to learn how targeting YouTube categories like March Madness could be the ideal fit for your ads.

Safe and Sound: Building a Fortified Online Presence for Your Brand

PUBLISH DATE: 26 December 2023

In the digital age, where a brand’s reputation is built and broken online, brand safety has emerged as a critical business imperative. It goes beyond simply avoiding harmful content; it’s about strategically managing your brand’s online presence and ensuring it appears in environments that are aligned with your values, resonate with your target audience, and ultimately contribute to your overall business goals.

What is Brand Safety?

In essence, brand safety encompasses a set of measures, guidelines, and practices to ensure that a brand’s advertising does not appear in contexts that could potentially harm its image. This is especially crucial in the world of digital advertising, where programmatic placements might lead to ads appearing alongside off-brand, offensive, or controversial content.

Brand safety is a paramount concern for advertisers today, focusing on safeguarding the reputation of their brands and preventing them from associating with negative environments. The Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) has developed the GARM: Brand Safety Floor + Suitability Framework to aid brands in maintaining their reputation by avoiding harmful or inappropriate content.

Critical components of brand safety include:

  1. Contextual Relevance: Guaranteeing that ad content is not only appropriate but also relevant to the content of the webpage, video, or other media in which it is displayed.
  2. Quality of Placement: Ensuring that ads are featured on websites or media outlets that align with the brand’s values and quality standards.
  3. Content Exclusions: Employing negative keyword lists, blocklists, or other filtering tools to prevent ads from being displayed next to specific types of content.
  4. Compliance and Regulation: Ensuring that ad placements adhere to industry regulations, which may vary by country, encompassing guidelines on advertising for products like tobacco, alcohol, or pharmaceuticals.
  5. Audience Targeting: Confirming that ads are directed at a demographic that is not only suitable but also intended for the advertised product or service.

Why Does it Matter?

Imagine your brand’s carefully crafted ad appearing next to a controversial news article or an offensive video. The resulting damage to your brand image could be significant, leading to lost sales, customer churn, and a negative public perception.

A 2021 US survey revealed that 80% of respondents expressed concern about brands appearing alongside negative content online. This statistic underscores the importance of brand safety for businesses of all sizes, regardless of industry or target audience.


Several factors pose significant risks to brand safety in the ever-evolving digital landscape:

1. The Social Media Frontier: Over time, social media has become a globally acknowledged source of truth. A well-crafted social media presence plays a crucial role in establishing a brand’s identity. Individuals prefer staying informed and closely monitoring their favored brands on social platforms. However, the dual nature of social media poses both advantages and challenges.

While it serves as an excellent avenue for brand promotion and interaction with customers and enthusiasts, it also carries the risk of brand reputation damage if ads appear alongside objectionable content. This powerful tool’s accessibility has led to instances where internet users have criticized brands for inappropriate content, imagery, or placement next to questionable material or pages.

To ensure brand safety, meticulous attention is required in areas such as ad strategy, and monitoring mentions, comments, and appearances. Marketers must remain vigilant against impostors and identity thieves capable of causing significant harm through fraudulent activities or posting unsavory content.

2. The Perils of Ad Fraud: In an industry valued at over US$ 640 billion, fraudulent activities are inevitable. Dubious websites, often assisted by bots, generate false clicks and attract ads, leading to significant financial losses for advertisers every month. It is imperative for marketers to ascertain whether their ads genuinely reach the intended audience, exercise control over ad impressions, and measure the quality of impressions and clicks.
The impact on brand safety is notable, with adult websites being a major contributor to ad fraud. An esteemed brand’s ad appearing alongside adult content can severely damage its image. While keyword block lists are useful, they alone cannot guarantee brand safety, and the practice may have unintended consequences.

3. The Pitfall of Poor Ad Placement: Ad placements are not just about reaching a large audience; they are about ensuring your brand appears in the right context. Placing ads on websites that are inconsistent with your brand values or target audience can lead to negative associations and erode your brand image.

A common mistake among marketers and advertisers is the oversight of ad placement strategy. Reports have criticized YouTube for displaying ads from renowned brands alongside misinformation and conspiratorial content. Emphasizing the importance of ad placements is crucial, as they significantly impact a brand’s image.

Striking the Perfect Balance of Brand Safety with Contextual

Contextual targeting offers a powerful solution to the challenges of brand safety. This innovative technology utilizes artificial intelligence, including Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Sentiment Analysis, to understand the context of web pages and online environments. By analyzing the written and visual content, contextual targeting enables brands to place their ads on relevant websites with content that aligns with their brand values and resonates with their target audience.

Mirrors by Silverpush: Your Trusted Partner in Brand Safety


Mirrors by Silverpush is a cutting-edge contextual targeting platform designed to help brands achieve their goals while maintaining the highest levels of brand safety. Utilizing sophisticated AI algorithms and advanced language models, Mirrors analyzes the written and visual content of web pages, ensuring that your ads appear in safe and brand-aligned environments. With Mirrors, you can:

  • Protect your brand reputation through intelligent ad placement.
  • Reach your target audience with precision and relevance.
  • Gain valuable insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences.
  • Optimize your campaigns for maximum effectiveness and return on investment.

In conclusion, brand safety is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity for businesses operating in the digital world. Innovative solutions like contextual targeting and partnering with trusted solutions like Mirrors, brands can ensure their reputation is safeguarded, their advertising efforts are effective, and their overall business objectives are achieved.

Silverpush Secures Bronze at Marketing Excellence Awards 2023: Celebrating Innovation and Success

PUBLISH DATE: 14 December 2023
Bronze Award at MEA without award

Silverpush is elated to share the joy of being honored with the Bronze award at the esteemed Marketing Excellence Awards 2023 in Indonesia, hosted by Marketing Interactive Asia. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence in the ever-evolving landscape of the advertising industry. 

Together, we embarked on a journey to redefine the digital presence of Wyeth S-26 Procal Ultima through the incredible campaign, ‘Together We Are Unstoppable,’ in collaboration with Dentsu & Nestlé powered by our cutting-edge Mirrors AI technology

Campaign Objective: Digital Presence with Privacy in Mind

Wyeth S-26 Procal Ultima’s objective was clear – to amplify its digital presence and market share while prioritizing user privacy. In the highly competitive growing-up milk category, navigating the cookieless phase presented unique challenges. Cookieless targeting in a competitive market space makes it difficult to effectively reach the target audience 

Our Approach: Mirrors AI Technology

For this campaign, Nestlé Partnered with Dentsu Indonesia & leveraged Silverpush’s next gen AI-powered hyper-contextual technology-
Mirrors. By identifying key context & analyzing Youtube videos for cues, it extracted relevant context to identify key moments for ads targeting parents and new moms. Ad placement followed the GARM framework and utilized custom exclusion themes to ensure alignment with suitable content. 

Award-Winning Results:

The impact of the campaign was nothing short of extraordinary. The campaign reached over 10 million women, the growth metrics spoke volumes – a remarkable 27% increase YTD June 2023 and a notable +2% boost in brand imagery for A2 Milk.

Final Thoughts: A Collective Triumph

Silverpush acknowledges and expresses sincere gratitude to our partners, Dentsu and Nestlé, for their invaluable contributions. This success stands as a testament towards our collaborative synergy. Together, we remain dedicated to upholding standards of advertising excellence and pioneering innovative solutions.

The Super Bowl Spectacle: Advertisers Paradise

PUBLISH DATE: 14 November 2023

The Super Bowl, a pinnacle event in American sports culture, is more than just a championship game; it’s an advertising extravaganza that captivates millions of viewers. According to recent statistics, the 2023 Super Bowl garnered a viewership of over 120 million people, solidifying its position as one of the most-watched television events in the United States. The estimated ad cost for this year’s event has surged to a staggering $6 million for a 30-second spot, showcasing the monumental significance of advertising during this broadcast.

For brands and advertisers, the Super Bowl represents an unparalleled opportunity to make a lasting impact and amplify their message to a massive and engaged audience.

Online video is changing what it means to be a Sports fan

Being a sports fan isn’t just about watching the game live on TV anymore. There are three trends related to sports content on YouTube, showing that today’s sports fans are becoming even more passionate thanks to online videos.

There is more to the game for sports fandom

  • 50%+ growth in watchtime of “funny” sports videos on Youtube
  • 60%+ growth in watchtime of sports “interview” videos on Youtube.

Reach Sports fans where they are watching on their terms

  • 70 out of the top 100 sports videos on Youtube have titles like “great”, “greatest”, or “best”.
  • 90+ growth in searches for football “highlight” videos on Youtube.

Sports fans are hungry for the good stuff

  • 80% of sports fans says they use a computer or smartphone while watching live sports on TV.
  • 30% of sports fans say they prefer to watch live sports on their smartphone or table

Mirrors – Silverpush’s Advanced Contextual Solutions For The Big Game

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, Silverpush stands at the forefront, providing advanced contextual solutions tailored to the grandeur of the Super Bowl. With its pioneering Mirrors offering, Silverpush introduces a paradigm shift in the industry of video context-driven precise targeting.

Complete brand safety and suitability are ensured, accompanied by data-driven ad performance that empowers brands to align their advertisements with relevant and high-performing content. The result? Enhanced engagement and amplified brand recall, a winning formula for any advertiser looking to make their mark during the Super Bowl frenzy.

Leveraging precise targeting, Silverpush’s technology correlates engagement metrics with contextual relevance, ensuring that high-performing and relevant videos are exclusively targeted. Moreover, the platform draws the strengths of:
1. Multivariate testing to decipher audience preferences and refine advertising strategies accordingly.
2. Dynamic campaign delivery that automates and optimizes campaigns in real-time, mitigating ad wastage and maximizing impact.

Building a Super Bowl Targeting Profile With Mirrors Generative AI

In the quest to capitalize on the vast potential of the Super Bowl audience, advertisers often encounter the challenge of reaching untapped or overlooked demographics. This is where Silverpush’s Mirrors Gen AI steps in, reforming the way advertisers approach audience targeting during the Super Bowl.

By understanding the intricacies of audience behavior and content consumption, Mirrors Gen AI unlocks a treasure trove of insights, enabling advertisers to tap into previously uncharted territories.

Tap Into The Overlooked & Untapped Audience – The Process

Every time a consumer navigates the online sphere, they leave behind a trail of digital footprints, revealing their intent and preferences. From the articles they pursue to the devices they utilize, these subtle cues serve as valuable indicators for advertisers seeking to connect with their target audience.

Mirrors Generative AI comprehensively maps these nuanced patterns by employing a two-pronged approach:
identifying key contexts across the Internet: By meticulously scrutinizing webpages, surveys, and a myriad of Openweb content, the technology delves deep into the nuances of consumer behavior, surpassing surface-level understanding to unearth invaluable insights.

Analyzing historical data: Leveraging the power of predictive AI, Mirrors Gen AI extrapolates future outcomes based on historical data patterns and campaign-specific information, enabling advertisers to make informed decisions tailored to the Super Bowl audience’s preferences.

In essence, Silverpush’s Mirrors Gen AI identifies correlations between audience personas and contextual factors, enabling advertisers to strike the perfect balance between scale and propensity to act, all while aligning with the specific KPIs of their advertising campaigns.

Make Your Mark At The Super Bowl: Explore Mirrors Gen AI – Book A Demo Today!

Finding Needle in a Haystack with Mirrors Generative AI

PUBLISH DATE: 27 September 2023

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, understanding your audience is paramount to success. The ability to connect with your target audience is the key to achieving your goals. But how can you ensure that you’re reaching the right people in a world overflowing with information?

Understanding Audience Intent Consumption with AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer in the world of advertising especially when it comes to analysing vast amounts of information and extracting meaningful insights to help identify & understand the target audience better.

AI-powered tools can help advertisers to analyze consumer behaviour patterns, purchasing habits, social media interactions, and online content consumption to uncover valuable information about consumer preferences and sentiments. By leveraging this technology, brands can gain a deeper understanding of their target market, identify emerging trends, and refine their brand values accordingly.

Furthermore, AI algorithms can spot trends and connections in consumer data, which helps businesses match their brand values with what their audience wants. This analysis helps brands create messages, designs, and marketing plans that really connect with their target customers.

Crafting Compelling Brand Stories Using Generative AI

Mirrors Generative AI is a contextual planning tool designed by Silverpush to help advertisers reach their overlooked and untapped audience in the cookieless era. Its real power lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate AI as a co-pilot to human intelligence. The advanced technology builds a comprehensive context list, well aligned with the audience’s personas and their direct and alternate interests. This enables advertisers to reach untapped/overlooked yet relevant audiences, resulting in enhancing incremental reach.

How does Mirrors Generative AI Understand Audience Intentions and Content Consumption Patterns?

1. Identify Key Contexts Across the Internet

Every time a consumer goes online, they express their intent in countless ways. From the content they read, what they search for, the type of device they access it on, and the time of day.

The technology identifies key contexts  across web pages, surveys, and a wide range of content on the open web, examining each word with precision. This enables Mirrors Generative AI to uncover content consumption patterns, decipher meaning, and extract valuable insights that surpass surface-level understanding.

Mirrors Generative AI suggested personas and content themes are delivered through machine learning and constantly verified using up-to-date panel data. They are robust, trustworthy, and completely free from human bias.

2. Predictive Audience Insights

Mirrors Generative AI doesn’t stop at understanding and personalizing content; it can also predict audience behaviour. By analyzing large datasets, AI models can identify patterns and trends that human analysts might miss. This allows advertisers to anticipate changes in user behaviour and adjust their strategies accordingly.

For example, if the AI predicts that a certain segment of the audience is likely to show increased interest in fitness products during the summer months, advertisers can proactively target that segment with relevant campaigns.

3. Mapping Audience Personas to Contextual Intelligence

It identifies patterns and correlations between audience personas and contextual factors, to uncover commonalities, preferences, and behaviours within specific contexts. This mapping exercise determines personas are likely to respond favourably to specific contextual elements. Achieving high engagement relies on targeting diverse audience personas with their specific interests in the right moment and context. However, advertisers still rely on manual context-building methods, which, despite their partial success, have several limitations.


Finding new target audiences can feel a lot like searching for a needle in a haystack. But, through Mirrors Generative AI, advertisers can identify net new audiences across hundreds of millions of potential consumers. Generative AI is a look ahead of the fast-paced evolution of technology, helping audience discovery using different models to reinvent the way work is done.

TET 2024: Market Insights and Consumer Behavior

PUBLISH DATE: 22 September 2023
TET 2024 Market Insights and Consumer Behavior

Tet 2024, the Lunar New Year in Vietnam, is not just a celebration – it’s a vibrant explosion of culture and tradition that paints the country in hues of hope, renewal, and good fortune. 

Imagine the excitement of spring’s arrival, the anticipation of a fresh start on the lunar calendar, and the universal embrace of good luck. Tet is all of this and more.

You must be wondering, why all this talk about Tet. 

Well, understanding Tet, consumer trends in Vietnam, and diving into the deep well of its cultural customs and rituals is the golden key for advertisers. It’s the secret sauce to connect with Vietnamese consumers during this grand season of celebration.

Why is TET 2024 a Big Opportunity for Advertisers?

The Tet celebrations in Vietnam are a big deal, not just culturally but also for businesses. Before Tet, people spent twice as much as usual. They do this to give family and business associates gifts and enjoy time with loved ones.

For many companies, whether they do well or not during the Tet Campaign 2024 can make or break their entire year. According to a report by Cimigo, brands that make spirits see up to 60% of their yearly sales in the six weeks leading up to Tet. 

Beer sales go up by 30%, and things like soft drinks, biscuits, and candy also sell a lot more. People also use this time to refresh their homes and themselves, so sales in personal care, fashion, home appliances, and building materials go up.

Most people shop for Tet at supermarkets and wet markets, but personal care products sell well online.

In Tet 2024, Vietnamese people are feeling positive and plan to spend more on travel and shopping, especially for things like mobile phones, motorbikes, and appliances.

Consumer Trends During TET 2024

  1. The typical Vietnamese shopper plans to spend approximately $100 during the Tet period.
  2. Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) will make up the majority, accounting for 60% of online sales.
  3. Among product categories, beverages are expected to be the top choice, with a growth rate of 20%.
  4. Half of the shoppers are looking for personalized and tailored shopping experiences.
  5. A significant 80% of shoppers intend to utilize social media platforms for product research.
  6. Around 20% of shoppers are interested in live-streaming shopping to engage in real-time interactions while making their purchases.

How Should Brands Reach the Vietnamese Audiences During TET 2024?

Mirrors and Parallels, the two AI-powered brand-suitable solutions of Silverpush can help brands and agencies reach their Vietnamese audiences contextually this Vietnamese New Year. Let’s see how: 

1. Real-Time Ad Sync

Leverage the festive season of the Vietnamese New Year to capitalize on cross-screen consumer behavior through real-time syncing of TV ads with digital ads on social media platforms with geo and demographic targeting. Our technology identifies real-time Tet-related triggers on TV to synchronize your brand ads.

2. Competition Sync

Stay ahead of the competition by targeting your competitor’s screen time.

3. Self/Competitor Sync

Enhance ad recall by syncing your TV and digital ads. Outsmart competitors by triggering your digital ads alongside competitors’ TV ads.

4. Geo-Fencing

Activate mobile ads when consumers are in proximity to stores or marketplaces.

5. Mirrors

Mirrors serve contextual ads by identifying key contexts like celebrities, brands, objects, places, actions, and on-screen text (in 500+ Chinese New Year contexts) to capture your audience’s attention across multiple platforms and increase brand awareness during this opportune time. 

6. YouTube

Mirrors can identify key moments on YouTube, such as shopping, traditional recipes, TET preparation, and home decor, to strategically place your ads when users are most engaged and in a completely brand-safe environment. 

7. Meta

On Meta, Mirrors can identify Tet-related content across popular pages and contexts, ensuring your ads reach audiences when they’re most likely to engage.

8. Programmatic

Mirrors can craft tailored contextual segments for the Tet festival, allowing advertisers to target audiences based on Tet-related search intent.

To boost Tet campaign viewability, advertisers can utilize Crafters’ interactive Tet elements from the curated gallery or create custom interactive ads.


In a nutshell, Tet Vietnam 2024 is a vibrant season of celebration and spending in Vietnam, making it a prime opportunity for brands to engage with consumers and boost their sales. By embracing innovative advertising technologies like Mirrors and Parallels and understanding the cultural significance of Tet, advertisers can make the most of this festive occasion and ensure a prosperous start to the Lunar New Year.

How Does Silverpush Ensure Brand Safety and Suitability on YouTube? 

PUBLISH DATE: 17 October 2022

Silverpush ensures that brand advertisements are displayed on brand-safe content without over blocking their reach.

In an age where consumers increasingly choose to watch videos on demand, YouTube has become the most popular video platform worldwide. 

According to a survey done on YouTube, there are 2.1 billion YouTube users worldwide and around 500M hours of video content is uploaded to the video platform every minute.

The video giant has become the leading online destination for millions of users from around the world. YouTube has 81% reach in the United States, and its mobile versions are doing equally well abroad.

As we can witness an increasing number of consumers shifting to the digital sphere, the necessity to maintain brand safety and suitability on YouTube has also risen.

YouTube advertisers demand campaigns that are not only safe and suitable but those that perform well. 

Unfortunately, often it happens that the measures they’re taking for safety and suitability are so restrictive that the good content along with the bad gets blocked from the ads getting displayed on it. This affects both scale and ad performance negatively. 

This blog is for every agency, advertiser, or publisher who is on the lookout for best practices to ensure brand suitability on YouTube at every stage of their ad campaign.

Demand for Brand Safety and Suitability Worldwide

37% of media agencies believe that without brand suitability measures, ads may serve in unsafe contexts.

Brand safety and company suitability are always changing and play an important part in sustaining a brand’s reputation in the digital advertising sphere.

Brand safety policies have been highlighted by digital marketers, agencies, and media alike. This is critical if you do not want to lose clients as a result of poor brand alignment.

Even after spending millions of dollars on advertising, any company would not want to mix fake news with genuine digital advertising.

During the COVID-19 times, the industry has seen an inclination toward brand suitability. Customers demand more from brands and want more control and confidence in the solutions they use.

Brand suitability bridges the risk-opportunity gap by enabling digital marketers to target safe, acceptable, and brand-building material using context-based restrictions.

Challenges Faced with Brand Safety and Suitability on YouTube

Brand safety is concerned with preventing the loss of trust between a brand and a customer. This is because, without trust, income, brand equity, and consumer interests are lowered or eliminated.

The solution to this challenge is a transparent digital advertising brand safety vendor relationship.

Advertisers must understand that the brand safety approach used for their digital advertising initiatives works at the speed of culture. 

This can help in absorbing new issues as they arise, and does not over-block information or allow unsafe/unsuitable content to pass through.

This happens mostly during keyword blocking and domain-level allow and blocklisting. Many keywords with varied meanings and URL domains that store information on a wide range of topics are shelved as a result of over-blocking.

Many businesses fail to implement brand suitability successfully owing to an inability to identify a holistic solution.

According to a recent survey, 49% of marketers have experienced brand suitability failure, 54% have faced customer antagonism, and 44% have lost money as a result.

How Silverpush Ensures Brand Safety and Suitability on YouTube?

Mirrors by Silverpush is the world’s first AI-Powered in-video context identification technology that is redefining the limits of contextual brand suitability for YouTube advertising. 

The technology drives greater campaign transparency and unlocks potential performance for advertisers wishing to avoid unsuitable content or categories of lesser relevance to the brand.

It focuses not only on brand safety but also on context-relevant brand suitability. Brand safety controls are delivered without killing your reach and tackle the problems of over-blocking.

Deeply trained proprietary AI models recognize custom-defined dangerous circumstances in streaming video, such as faces, actions, objects, and sceneries. These films are divided into several categories, including smoking, adult, violence, crashes, guns, terrorism, and others.

Along with this, it also focuses on brand suitability through text & sentiment analysis, engagement metrics, and organic influence at the video level.

Brand suitability is no longer only about safeguarding your brand; it is also about how marketers may choose which types of content providers to support with ad dollars.

Early Holiday Shopping Trends for 2022 Festive Season

PUBLISH DATE: 09 September 2022

It’s a timeless truth. Brands face some fierce competition in every holiday season to drive consumer attention and increase their sales. To make your brand stand apart during holiday shopping and the mega sales days, they need to invest in the right combination of planning, strategy, personalization and technology.

During and after Covid, our lives have changed a lot. One that seen shifts in how we work, how we connect, or how we shop. And every changes comes with its challenges. While technology is emerging that seeks to support businesses in the face of transformation.

Though so much is changing around us, but there are some habits which are constant. Humans need and holiday shopping habit are still the same. Modern technology has adapted to deliver on timeless human needs in new ways.

Companies have managed to meet these expectation during key shopping moments through the advanced technology methods.

Four Phases to Make your Business’s Best 2022 Holiday Season Year

To help your brand navigate the 2022 holiday shopping season, here are the early retail trends and consumer behaviors you need to take a look at:

  • Establish a solid campaign foundation: Build up a strong data, creative, media and measurement growth well ahead of your sales event.
  • Reach customers early: Take advantage of cost-efficient impressions early to reach shoppers early this holiday season. Be on the top of mind with shoppers.
  • Maximize purchases: Build a momentum for your brand and maximize purchases when purchasing is at its peak.
  • Be on their mind: Stay on top of mind and drive loyalty with your newly acquired customers.

Holiday Shopping Starts Much Earlier

With the rise of ecommerce, the number of online shoppers worldwide is also increasing with it. In 2021, the number of digital buyers is at 2.14 billion. This means that 27.6 percent of 7.74 billion people in the world were shopping online.

More than one out of every four people does online shopping.

Moving money via the internet is no longer reserved for traders and investors. Anyone and everyone who has access to it is now able to send money online.

People are exploring and cataloging ideas for their holiday shopping much earlier than you are expecting. It is surprising to know that not weeks, but months before the craze for holiday season begins. This revelation is essential for every business – understand if people are planning their shopping earlier, you need to plan your marketing much earlier to keep up with the pace of your customers. Don’t wait for the season to just begin or your promotions will be left in the dust.

Reach Your Most Enthusiastic Customers 

Connect with the household CEOs – a broader audience that purchases and spends the most. Get in touch with them first and you have higher chance to be their first choice for shopping.

Who Spends the Most Online?

Rank Country Ecommerce Spend Per Capita
1 United Kingdom $4,201
2 United States $3,428
3 South Korea $2,591
4 France $1,946
5 China $1,855
6 Australia $1,764
7 Canada $1,746
8 Japan $1,488
9 Israel $1,361
10 Germany $1,283

When you connect with the early planners, you connect with the household CEOs – a larger audience that purchases and spends more. Get in touch with them first and you have the chance to be their first choice for shopping.

Who is Spending the Most?

Younger shoppers are more likely to increase their shopping budget than their older counterparts, but will spend the lowest proportion (63%) online. 

Even though marketers and businesses have prioritized these planner-type shoppers, however they often make assumptions about the timings of their promotions.

Realize that customers will not wait around – in fact, they have started earlier than ever. 46% of consumers surveyed by the National Retail Federation already started their shopping earlier than ever. In the early November survey, 61% consumers said that they already started shopping for the holiday.  Shockingly, more than one-quarter completes their total holiday shopping by early November.

What Changed the Consumers Behavior?

Some may start their shopping earlier in the year to help budget their purchases instead of spending a big sum all at once. This is a continuing trend since the 2021 holiday season, when consumers start their holiday shopping earlier than ever due to growing supply chain and issues during shopping. The shopping concerns are compounding due to growing interest rates and overall inflation.

There are other emotional reasons too as to why shoppers are starting earlier than anticipated. People nowadays crave the comfort of the holidays after a tough year. What was once more like a chore, now feels special – meeting family members, having good food, the excitement of opening and exchanging gifts – all these have taken a new meaning. Consumers now look forward to holiday season more than ever, and that’s what motivates them to buy earlier.

Silverpush’s AI Technology Capabilities puts You Where Your Audience Is

Finally a platform that understands how content is consumed today and how advertisers can reach them. A platform that understands as people move across screens, advertisers need to adapt instantly.

Introducing Silverpush!

World’s leading digital marketing solution provider. Silverpush’s advanced AI technology makes it easy to find your audience—no matter where they are, no matter what they’re watching. The company is built on three fundamental pillars – contextual advertising across different platforms, brand safety, and value of consumers privacy.

Introducing Mirrors – Future of Digital Advertising


Keep this in mind when moving forward with your holiday marketing.

Traditional advertising campaigns on YouTube and Social Media pose the biggest challenge for the brand:

  1. Serves ads to anyone it identifies as looking for remotely similar to your brand or product, regardless of whether the ad would be appealing to the audience at the moment they are viewing it leading to ad wastage.
  2. Brand Safety and suitability issues which result in low VTRs, hence the low consumer engagement with the brand.

Mirrors by Silverpush is a one-stop solutions for these. It is world’s in-video key context identification technology. Our advanced AI technology helps you to grab people’s attention by reaching them at the right moment, without the use of personal data.

Mirrors identifies key contexts through in-video contexts such as celebrities, brands, objects, actions, and places ads in a brand suitable environment where users are most likely to engage. Our deep machine learning technology intelligently identifies unsafe content and avoids placing ad on such. 

Give us a call and reach the enthusiastic customers this holiday season.

Parallels – Conquer Competition through TV Sync Technology

Parallels – TV sync technology by Silverpush, conveys your brand message to the TV audience at the right time and garner their attention. Parallels – real time ad tracking technology reach TV distracted audiences in real time. Digital campaigns are triggered after a TV ad of competition brands and self is identified live on TV.

The advanced AI technology syncs social, display and video ads to real-life moments, enabling an enhanced connection with consumers around live events, as they happen.

Brands can also maximize brand exposure through real-time sporting events. Our human augment AI technology solution automatically triggers digital ads based on live moments, runs contextual creatives, and syncs digital ad placement during TV commercials.

Want to know more about our products, we are just a call away!

FAQs on Mirrors

PUBLISH DATE: 29 August 2022

In today’s time, it’s tough to imagine a world without the Internet. As of 2022, 69% of the world’s population, or 4.9 billion people, actively uses the internet. 

Marketing is and will always be referred to as reaching customers where they are. TV commercials, print advertisements, and billboards are all attempts to do that. Nearly every business benefits from an online presence. 

The key is to reach customers – and potential customers – in their right frame of mind. With more and more consumers shopping and researching products online, it’s become critical for companies to recognize the importance of contextual advertising. Considering that over 4.9 billion people are on the Internet, it’s a great opportunity for agencies to reach leads that are looking for their business.

The question is in the crowded space of the Internet, how are agencies and advertisers supposed to outshine their competitors? 

That’s where Mirrors by Silverpush comes in. 

What is Mirrors?

With user privacy gaining importance, advertisers must find a solution that does not intrude on users’ privacy. Mirrors is a platform that targets contextually by leveraging AI-powered human-augmented technology. Mirrors also ensure content-aligned ad placement as well as 100% brand safety and suitability, which is unique to each brand.

What are the Platforms on Which Mirrors Work?


  • YouTube
  • Non-YouTube Videos
  • Display (Web pages and Apps)


  • Facebook
  • Instagram

What are the Pillars for Mirrors by Silverpush?

The four basic pillars and processes for Mirrors are as follows –

1. Contextual Targeting

Custom targeting & exclusion themes are defined for each campaign, based on brand objectives and specific KPIs. 

2. Brand Suitability

A dedicated team identifies in-video contexts basis defined inclusion/exclusion themes and accurately classifies content at video level into relevant buckets including unsafe content

The platform further analyses human-classified content, enabling more granular buckets – for instance, video content featuring multiple contexts. 

3. Custom Contextual Creatives

Video or channels’ performance metrics, safety assessment, engagement levels, organic influence, and growth momentum. 

4. Final Ad placement

Ad is finally placed across relevant, brand suitable, and high-performing content. 

How Does Mirrors Work?

Mirrors work by identifying celebrities, brands, objects, places, actions, on-screen text, and audio for precise targeting. It is explained below how it works on various platforms:

Mirrors for YouTube

Video has taken center stage as 95% of an ad message is retained by video while only 10% is in the text. Moreover, 73% of users agreed that contextual ad complements the video experience, compared to 55% at channel level & 47% at audience level targeting. 

Thus, Mirrors for YouTube identifies faces, brands, objects, places, actions, on-screen text, and audio sentiment to serve ads in line with video content, that users are actively engaging with. Our human-augmented AI technology accurately identifies harmful contexts across categories including nudity, hate speech, smoking, alcohol, violence, and more. It intelligently blocks only unsafe ad placements without over-blocking or killing reach 

How Does Mirrors Work

Click Here to see the demo for Mirrors.

Mirrors for Social

During the second quarter of 2022, Meta has stated that 3.65 billion people were using its core products (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, or Messenger) each month. With roughly 2.93 billion monthly active users in 2022, Facebook is one of the most used online social networks worldwide. Mirrors on Social works in the following way –

  • A relevant brand-safe page has been selected and processed to derive contextual signals, interest, etc. using AI & ML, and NLP models. 
  • Then, relevant ads are targeted based on the signals.


Mirrors for OpenWeb

Advertisers and brands can unlock the full context and contextually target the most relevant and suitable text, image, and video content.

  • Mirrors AI technology analyzes the complete content like Videos, Text, & Images to create contextual content buckets. 
  • The AI technology then places video ads in the relevant content pages & OTT videos – in-stream and out-stream. 


Why Should You Choose Mirrors?

Traditional methods of keywords and affinity based targeting without context can lead to ad waste. Mirrors is a platform that is devoid of these problems. 

  • Minimize Ad wastage
  • Higher effective ROI
  • Enhanced user experience 
  • Positive brand recall

How to Reach Us?

To learn more about us and our products, you may call us or follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook for detailed insights.